Intuition in Business: My Experience as a Company CEO

Harnessing Intuition: The Unseen Asset in Strategic Decision-Making
In the fast-paced world of business, strategic decision-making often requires more than just data and analytics. Over the years, I've learned that intuition is an invaluable asset in all areas of life, and especially when running a company.
It's that inner voice, the gut feeling, which often guides us when logical reasoning reaches its limits. As a CEO, I've found that harnessing this unseen asset can be a superpower, allowing me to make decisions swiftly and confidently in uncertain situations.
Many successful entrepreneurs attribute their achievements to the power of intuition and gut feelings. It's fascinating to see how top leaders like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey have trusted their inner voice to make strategic decisions that propelled their businesses to success (more on that in a moment!). In my own experiences too, I have come to realise the importance of tapping into my intuitive powers when faced with uncertainty.
While it's important to rely on concrete data for business decision making, intuition acts as a complementary force, filling in gaps where information is incomplete or ambiguous. It allows us to perceive patterns and possibilities that might not be immediately obvious. Embracing intuition doesn't mean disregarding facts; rather, it's about integrating both rational analysis and intuitive insights for holistic decision-making.
Embracing intuition as a valuable asset in business has not only enhanced my decision-making, but also fostered a culture of innovation. Trusting that gut feeling can truly be a game-changer in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship.
The Science Behind Intuition: Understanding Your Gut Feelings
Intuition might seem mystical, and I will certainly be pondering it from a spiritual perspective in a future blog article! But there's also a scientific basis for intuition. Our brains process vast amounts of information subconsciously, drawing from past experiences, sensory inputs, and emotional responses. This subconscious processing often manifests as gut feelings or hunches.
From a psychological perspective, intuition is the result of our brain's ability to recognise patterns and make connections rapidly. This can be especially beneficial in business, where time is of the essence, and the ability to make swift decisions can be crucial. Understanding the science behind intuition helps us trust these gut feelings and use them more effectively in our professional lives.
Intuition and Innovation: Fueling Business Creativity and Solutions
Innovation in business often comes from thinking outside the box, and intuition plays a significant role in this. When logical approaches fail to yield new ideas, our intuitive sense can lead us to creative solutions. Some of the most groundbreaking innovations come from moments of insight, where an intuitive leap leads to a novel idea or approach.
In my experience, fostering an environment where intuition is valued can significantly boost creativity within a team. Encouraging employees to trust their instincts and explore unconventional ideas can lead to innovative approaches, services, and strategies that set the company apart from competitors.
Developing Your Intuitive Skills: Practices for Business Leaders
Intuition is a skill that can be developed with practice and awareness. One effective way to enhance your intuitive abilities is through mindfulness and meditation. These practices help you become more attuned to your inner thoughts and feelings, making it easier to recognise and trust your intuitive insights.
Another approach is to reflect on past decisions and outcomes. By analysing when and how your intuition played a role, you can learn to identify the signals that indicate a trustworthy gut feeling. Additionally, seeking feedback from mentors and peers can provide external validation and help you fine-tune your intuitive decision-making skills.
As I embark on my own training as part of only the third cohort in the world to study with the Intuitive Psychology Association towards an Advanced Diploma in Intuitive Psychology Coaching, I am excited to coach others to tune into their intuition effectively and embrace this often hidden aspect of their psyche.
Real-Life Success Stories: How Top Leaders Used Intuition to Triumph
Many successful business leaders attribute their achievements to the power of intuition. Steve Jobs, for example, famously relied on his intuition when making key decisions for Apple. His ability to sense market trends and consumer desires before they became apparent to others was a significant factor in the company's success.
Similarly, Oprah Winfrey has spoken about the importance of listening to her inner voice in her career decisions. Her intuitive approach has guided her through various ventures, from her talk show to her media empire. These stories highlight that intuition can be a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of business and achieving remarkable success.
Another notable figure who credits their success to intuition is Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. Blakely famously followed her gut feeling when she launched her revolutionary shapewear brand, despite facing skepticism from industry experts. Trusting her intuition, she persevered and built Spanx into a billion-dollar company. Blakely's story serves as a reminder that listening to our inner voice can lead to groundbreaking achievements in the business world.
Speak to any entrepreneur or successful leader and the words 'gut feeling' or 'I just had a hunch' will come up repeatedly. I believe the world is looking for ways to reconnect with intuition, our business culture in the West has led to people spending the majority of their time in their data-driven conscious mind. It feels to me that many of us have lost touch with the voice of inner guidance, and forgotten how to trust it. The world right now needs more intuitive decision-making, more connectedness, and above all else leaders who take a holistic approach to problem solving.
Personal Insights Into My Experience of Intuitive Leadership
As a CEO of a scaling EdTech company, I've had numerous experiences where my intuition played a crucial role in decision-making. Starting the business in the first instance was hugely intuition-based. I remember sitting at my desk in my previous role as Director of Marketing and Admissions in an independent school. I remember feeling that although things were going well, there was something else I should be doing. A 'calling' perhaps. I felt such a strong gut feeling that I just needed to give it a go, to launch my own business in the education technology consulting space, despite very little data to suggest it was needed (CRM software, my specialism and passion, was very much in its infancy in the sector at the time). I decided to follow my gut and never looked back.
I remember so many people telling me what a terrible idea it was, "why would you give up a good job?" and "most businesses fail in the first two years!". But I just knew I had to trust my intuition (and of course work hard) to achieve my dream future.
There's been many more examples since then, throughout the journey of a rapidly scaling company I have had many critical junctures where data was inconclusive and I just had to go with my gut feelings and make bold moves. From 'just knowing' when to check in with team members, to reaching out to contacts on LinkedIn because 'I had a hunch' and this securing some of our biggest sales. I can confidently credit the success of my company to my intuition.
Over the years, I've learned to trust my intuition more, especially in situations where there isn't a clear-cut answer. It's an ongoing journey of balancing rational analysis with intuitive insight. Embracing this dual approach has not only enhanced my leadership but also fostered a culture of trust and innovation within the organisation.
I am so excited to start studying for my Advanced Diploma in Intuitive Psychology Coaching next month to help my team and other business leaders to tune into their inner voices and let go of what it holding them back. I will continue to beat the drum for intuitive leadership and I am delighted to see more people connecting up the dots between science and spirituality, and reconnecting to something a little deeper than the disconnected data that workplace hustle culture has led us to put our trust in completely.