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Coaching Services

Science-backed, world-class techniques to help you totune into your intuition and transform your life.

Intuitive Psychology Coaching

Do you work hard but feel like you aren't living in alignment with your purpose?

Do you feel like something is holding you back but you are unsure what?

Do you feel like despite your achievements you aren't happy or fulfilled?

You may have tried talking therapies in the past but they haven't worked, and maybe you feel that no matter what you try you don't feel empowered to make meaningful change.

Traditional coaching focuses on the surface-level, exploring only what is in your conscious mind and action plans often rely on willpower alone to make change - without addressing the root cause of the problems you are facing. 

Intuitive Psychology coaching is different.

As a Master Intuitive Psychology Coach (*currently in training), I use a range of life-changing, science-backed techniques to take you on a journey through your subconscious mind, enabling you to identify what has been holding you back.

By tuning into your intuition and bringing parts of your past out of the shadows and into your conscious awareness, you can release what has holding you back and step forward in true alignment with your purpose.

It's time to undo your subconscious programming and activate your intuition.


Plans and Pricing

intuitive transformation programme
sustainable happiness plan
on demand coaching

Intuitive Transformation Programme

A journey through the Shadow Alchemy method to make lasting change.

Ideal for overcoming challenges, making big decisions or introducing change, and for activating your intuition.

With weekly coaching sessions, we will explore your subconscious mind, release the burdens of the past, and work towards your brightest future.

8-weeks duration


  • Initial goal-setting call
  • Weekly 90-minute coaching session
  • Recommended resources (meditations, journal prompts, etc)
  • An exclusive online private resource centre, and place to monitor your progress
  • PDF summary report of your journey with suggested ongoing integration exercises and action plans


Sustainable Happiness Plan


Stay aligned and accountable.  Explore and apply your intuition throughout life's highs and lows.

Ideal if you... want to continue to further explore the impact of your subconscious over time, or need support in staying accountable.

With monthly coaching sessions, you will harness the power of dropping into your body and regularly reconnecting with your intuition.

6-months duration


  • Initial goal-setting call
  • Monthly 90-minute coaching session
  • An Exclusive online private resource centre, and place to monitor your progress

On-Demand Coaching

One-off sessions to help you work through challenges, tune into your intuition for guidance, or to set goals that will align you to your authenticity.

By setting a clear intention for a session, you will see the results you need to overcome the obstacles in your path.


  • 2-hour coaching call with an Initial goal-setting discussion
  • Follow up action plan and integration exercises to complete following the session


"Gemma! You gave me the power to say GO! the session was incredibly productive, and ‘unburdened’ is the perfect way to describe it. I didn’t even feel tired afterwards; instead I felt a sense of calm, like a heavy weight had been lifted off me - magical!

I truly think this style of coaching is exceptional. I’ve experienced many different types of coaching but I believe this is the most powerful and effective I’ve encountered.”"

Business Owner